“There’s my business, your business and God’s business.” — Byron Katie
“Alice” was working for a client on a project and spending many extra hours on it than what they had agreed, as the client had many additional demands. Alice had also charged the client an hourly rate that was much less than what her competition was billing, and Alice was losing money on the project.
She was frustrated and depleted.
She did not want to ask for a rate increase because her client “couldn’t afford it.”
When I asked her, “Whose business are you in about whether he can afford it?,” she paused.
She realized that she was in the client’s “business,” not hers, as to whether the client could or couldn’t afford her services.
Alice’s “business” was charging an hourly rate that felt fair and in integrity for her.
Alice renegotiated her contract and the client agreed to pay her more.
The next time you are stressing about a problem whether it is at work, with your kids or with something beyond your control, ask yourself “Whose business am I in?”
It might solve your problem!
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Kathy McCabe
Life Coach

P.S. If you are a mom or caregiver who often finds herself stressed out because you are frequently in the “business” of your kids, or others, you will love my retreat and classes about “Parenting With More Joy!” Email me at kathy@kathymccabelifecoach.comto find out more!