What I did when they said I had cancer

When I was faced with a life-threatening diagnosis of cancer (I am fine now😊🎉), I first went into victim mode.  

I had thoughts like: “Why me?” “It’s not fair.”

I saw very quickly how this line of thinking made my whole body tense and more stressed.

 I couldn’t sleep, and I had zero patience with my kids.  

But  then I shifted my mindset to:

  “I’m so grateful that….”

   ✅ “I have insurance and access to great health care.”

   ✅ “It was caught so early.”

   ✅ “I have amazing family and friends who support me.”  

I immediately became more peaceful, and I felt my body relax.  

There are numerous research studies that practicing gratitude can assist the body in healing.  

My surgeon said my tumor had extensive regression and that “something in my body was helping dissolve it.” My cure rate is 99%.🎉  

Having great medical care really helped me heal, but I also know that practicing calm and using tools like focusing on gratitude, helped my body relax – and this contributed to the healing process.  

Above 👆 is a photo of me from a year ago after cancer-free scans, more than three years after my surgery.

Find something you are stressed or unhappy about, then try to find something to be grateful for in the situation.  

Then notice how your body feels❤️.  

If you take time to look for it, there is always something to be thankful for — in nearly every situation.  

Happy Thanksgiving❤️ 

#gratitude #thankful #expressyourthanks #Thanks  

P.S.–If you want to know how coaching can expand your gratitude & create a life you love book a FREE call with me

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