how being consumed with worry made everything worse

“Cancer free,” 🎉 said my doctors at my appointment that I had a few weeks ago. 

I left the hospital elated 👇 after being scanned—for the last time. 

More than 5 years ago, I was told I had cancer, needed a complicated operation and that my outcome was unknown.  

I completely freaked out when I heard this news and couldn’t sleep or eat.

Glenny, have you ever been told really scary news and then became consumed with worry?    

That is what happened to me! 

But I knew that this state of mind, which was affecting my stress levels–wouldn’t support me–no matter what my outcome was going to be.  

Thankfully, the coaching tools I learned greatly helped me calm my mindset—which calmed my body–and this helped everything.  

 My doctor said the pathology report showed that something in my body was helping “dissolve” the tumor. 

I know I’m incredibly lucky—and it has made me appreciate each day and not waste time.  

If you want to learn some of the amazing life-changing tools I used to help my mindset, set up a time with me to talk about how coaching can transform your life.

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