Guilt & Motherhood

“Guilt,” is what one mom answered when I asked her why she did not prioritize herself.

So many moms, especially those who work outside the home, say they feel guilty about doing something for themselves, especially if it’s indulgent, fun or different than the “typical way” a mom is expected to relax (a manicure or a bubble bath).  

When Michelle and Barak Obama went to marriage counseling, Michelle, who was very unhappy at the time, realized that she was expecting Barak to make her happy. She learned how important it was to make herself happy. So she started prioritizing herself, getting help, and doing fun things for herself. Their marriage, according to Michelle, greatly improved. 

When I start to feel guilty about doing something fun without my kids, I remind myself of what famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said: 

The greatest burden on a child is the unlived life of a parent.”  

So, moms…. Do your best to make time for YOU – and drop the guilt! 

You are giving your family a gift when you take time for yourself to make yourself happy – even if that means you aren’t home sometimes!

In honor of International Women’s Day, do something fun, just for you! And men, give the women in your life permission to do this!



P.S. Local moms, join me for an awesome 1 day retreat on 4/28/19 to help you parent with more clarity, calm & JOY. Get on the “first to know” list here!

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Kathy McCabe
Life Coach