finding freedom with one question

Sometimes it takes just a moment to find freedom in your thinking–especially with one question.  

A busy working mom, in one of my Mindset Makeover Groups, was angry and resentful that her husband was going for a long workout while she had to do a lot of household, work and kid stuff. 

She questioned the thought about whether his actions prevented her from working out and doing what she wanted to do for herself.

She asked herself, “is it really true that I can’t workout today?” 

Her answer was NO! đŸ˜Ž 

Then she remembered the mindset she created—and practiced âœ…—around prioritizing herself. 

In an instant, she dropped her resentment and created a day that worked for her, including working out and asking for help. 

Sometimes it’s easy to be angry at others when we aren’t doing what we know we need to do for ourselves. 

But when we decide on a mindset on how we want to live our life and we question our thoughts, we often come up with different answers. 

Tell me what thoughts you are questioning to live with more freedom and joy!

My next Mindset Makeover Groups start in September.  Check out the details HERE

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