“Why do I focus on JOY with my coaching?” This was the question posed by radio host Ann Marie Kelly when she interviewed me last week on WCHE 1520 AM for her show, “The Friday Happy…
Posts Published byusamasahib.39@gmail.com
Goals, Values and Beliefs
Check out this article in Salon.com where I am quoted about goals, beliefs, and values: https://www.salon.com/2018/06/03/as-social-media-culture-becomes-normalized-setting-goals-becomes-psychologically-distressing/ This article addresses why people may experience distress about their goals. While the article focuses mainly on millennials,…
Learn To LOVE It When Someone Says “No” To You
Learning to not take things personally is such a gift to yourself. I am a sensitive person. I love it when people say “yes” to me. I love it when people…
Did You Take The 5 Day Challenge?
By now, I hope some of you have tried doing some daily journaling by using my “Create A Great Day Tool.” This tool serves as a “prompt” to help you…
Your Language Matters
A while back I was published in The Motherlist for A Life Coach’s Advice on Real Joy. I cited 10 tips for finding real joy NOW. Reviewing this list inspired…
For YOU: 12 Work Day Efficiency Mantras
Here is an article from MaroonOak.com, a career community for women that features 12 Mantras you can use to make your work and life more efficient. I am quoted under Mantra #4,…
Do You Have A Wild Goal?
How My ‘Wildly Improbable Goal’ Came True “Wildly Improbable Goals,” or “WIGs,” as Martha Beck calls them, are goals that make your body feel excited, come alive or full of energy….
Inspiration…from Maria Shriver!
Here is some inspiration!! Maria Shriver’s “Sunday Paper” is full of inspiring stories! She interviews people every week who have “passion and purpose.” Right up my alley! 😀 Here is…
Voyage Chicago Article!
Here is a recent article I was featured in by Voyage Chicago: http://voyagechicago.com/interview/meet-kathy-mccabe-kathy-mccabe-coaching-real-joy-northern-suburbs/ Like this? Please share with the icon below. 💜😀💜 Kathy McCabe Life Coach P.S. My current small…
How To Get Unstuck When You Don’t Know What To Do
I like to think of any emotion I have as a choice. I have written before in a blog about how science supports that we don’t have to be a victim…