“BANG!” I heard this as my car collided with another and I slammed my brakes to a screeching halt. I wasn’t sure what had just happened. I wasn’t paying attention. I allowed myself to…
Posts Published byusamasahib.39@gmail.com
More Stress-Free Holiday Tips!
Here is part 2 of the Stress-Free Tips for the Holidays that I shared during the “Mom’s Night Out” event! For those holiday tasks you “have to do,” use Martha…
Stress-Free Tips For Your Holiday Enjoyment
Here are a few tips about creating stress-free holidays I shared last night at the “Mom’s Night Out” event I hosted: Decide On An Intention For The Holidays. If you tend…
Do You Have An Attitude of Gratitude?
Do you ever stop and notice when to feel grateful for things we often take for granted? Hearing about my San Francisco friends wearing masks when they go outside because of hazardous…
What Defines You?
Have you ever become “defined” by a hardship? We become the hardship when we are constantly talking or worrying about our woes or sitting in self-pity that consumes us and becomes…
How Do You Show Up?
A wonderful, kind, “life-of-the-party” and nearly 50-year-old man died in our community this past week. He had young children, a beautiful wife, and he was loved by many people. A…
What’s Better Than A Cup Of Coffee?
Do you ever notice how you FEEL when you get something you really, really want? Most of us really want the “feeling” of having that “thing” we want. Quite often,…
What Can You Let Go Of?
To create something new, it is helpful to let go of what is no longer serving you. Unless you take time to declutter first, buying new clothes and shoving them…
Feeling Stuck? Watch Out For Patterns!
“The way you do one thing, is the way you do EVERYTHING….” This is a common saying in the coaching world. It means that the way we handle small things…
Are You Stuck In Shame?
Shame Keeps Us Stuck. Taking Responsibility Frees Us. How often have you felt guilty or “ashamed” about yourself or about something you did? For example, have you ever felt “ashamed” about:…