I’m not big on following rules 😊, but I love these 3 “rules” for accomplishing any goal. ☑️ Take small daily action. ☑️ Remember it’s about progress, not perfection. ☑️…
Posts Published byusamasahib.39@gmail.com
What I did when they said I had cancer
When I was faced with a life-threatening diagnosis of cancer (I am fine now), I first went into victim mode. I had thoughts like: “Why me?” “It’s not fair.”…
Drop these words in 2022
I recently started playing paddle tennis and noticed that the most common word I heard from other women was “I’m sorry.” When I have played paddle tennis with guys, I…
Look What Happens When You Leave Your Comfort Zone
Have you ever been reluctant to do something outside of your “comfort zone,” but then you decided to do it anyway, and you were really glad you did it? That’s what happened to Lorie….
Listen To Your Body’s Wisdom
Have you ever noticed that your body speaks to you? My client, Jackie, had a tough decision to make about whether she should attend an important extended-family function. Everyone had…
Why Selflessness Is Harmful….
Have you ever wondered about the difference between generosity and self-sacrifice? If so, this article by Adam Grant and Allison Sweet Grant is a must-read, regardless of whether you are…
Boost Your Energy!
I recently finished my free and fun “7-Day Challenge To Create, Not Complain” on Facebook, where I offered daily challenges and video tips on how to change our complaints into…
Take The Challenge To Create! 😄
It is easy to complain about what you don’t like: Your job, another person or the weather. It is much harder to take responsibility and create change. But when we channel the energy…
What Would Your Best🌟 Self Do?
Do you ever struggle with a decision about what to do in a certain situation? Your mind might be murky and flooded with thoughts like: “You should do this – no,…
One Quick Way to Improve Any Relationship 💗
Looking for a quick way to improve any relationship? “Catch them being good!” This is one of my favorite parenting tips, but this mantra can apply to any relationship. “Catch them…