Meet Kathy

Kathy’s depth of coaching experience and background as a highly motivated, successful attorney keeps you laser-focused on practical solutions. I’m a better mom, physician and leader.”

Marny F., M.D. and leader

“Kathy helps you uncover insights that move you closer to what you really want from your ‘one wild and precious life.’ ”

Anna P., economist

“Kathy taught me to negotiate and obtain my dream job…”

Marny Z., attorney and policy analyst

But first, let’s talk about you…

You are successful in many areas of your life, but often wonder: “Is there more to life?” You have bigger goals for your career and life that aren’t happening. Maybe you’re trying to navigate a transition and not sure how? 

Things may be getting in your way, such as:

  • too many responsibilities and not enough time
  • stress
  • feeling stuck
  • prioritizing others above yourself – or excessive people-pleasing
  • lack of clarity or confidence in certain areas
  • insufficient energy to feel motivated around your goals

I truly believe in getting support when you need it – and I’m here to help!

I get it.

I spent two decades in law. I experienced burnout and letting work run my life while believing, at times, that I was an “imposter” who was uncertain about her next steps. I’ve coped with high stress by drinking too much alcohol or eating bad food. I’ve struggled trying to balance my career as a successful lawyer while also trying to be a great mom to two kids, including one with special needs. I’ve healed from cancer, started a second career, dealt with deaths of family members and close friends, and I have had challenges in my relationships. I have experienced plenty of loss and not having life “work out as planned.” And yet, because of the tools I have learned and teach, I am more peaceful and happier than I have ever been.

I didn’t always feel this way.  I hired my first coach when I was feeling burned out working as a lawyer. After hitting rock bottom emotionally and physically, I decided I couldn’t live like that anymore. After coaching, I began to feel happier, healthier and enjoyed my life much more.  I eventually left law, but the tools I learned helped me become a happier and more successful lawyer and better mom.

So I decided to become a coach myself and share what I’ve learned with other ambitious women. 

Time and time again, coaching and the personal development tools I teach have  consistently guided me into an authentic and joy-filled life. I always put my joy and well-being first – no matter what I have going on. 

And now, as a coach, I use my 30 years of study with top teachers in areas of mindset, mindfulness, intuition, mind-body awareness, wellness, confidence and getting unstuck, to help my clients create lives they love – no matter what obstacles they face. 

My clients have gotten dream promotions, big raises and clarity on what they really want. They have finished books, lost weight, started brand new careers they love, and they have created healthier habits – all while taking excellent care of themselves and having fun!

As a leader in your life and work,
you deserve radical self-care and wellness.

Today I have a national practice coaching successful women attorneys and professional executives
to help them move up, or out, of their careers with joy, while achieving success on their own terms.

I’ve coached successful people, including:

  • professional leaders who were ready to quit everything because they were exhausted, burned out, overwhelmed or just “going through the motions”
  • award-winning lawyers who struggled with putting their own well-being first
  • mission-driven executive directors who wanted to make a bigger impact, but didn’t know how

Official Bio

Kathy is a former, 22-year trial attorney and equity partner, turned executive and life coach.  Kathy and her tips have been featured in media outlets, including Salon, Women’s Bar Association of IL, Institute for Well-Being in Law, Reader’s Digest, The Mother List, Best Life Online, Voyage Chicago, The Patch, Maroon Oak and The Wilmette Beacon.

Kathy has a B.S. from the University of Illinois and a J.D. from the University of Illinois Chicago Law School. She is a master-certified wayfinder coach through Dr. Martha Beck, a.k.a. Oprah’s life coach. For the past 30 years, Kathy has studied with the best personal development teachers in the areas of mindset, mindfulness, intuition, mind-body tools, wellness, confidence, getting unstuck and happy longevity. Kathy lives in Wilmette, Ill., and is a mom of two teens & one rescue pup, Buttercup.  

So, if you’re ready to start creating more of what you really want in a fun way, click HERE to schedule a complimentary call.

Fun Facts About Me

  1. My work is my passion. I am a nonstop learner who loves sharing new tools with my clients to help them move forward. My favorite thing is to see people “light up” and live their best lives right now – no matter what they have going on in their world.
  2. I love to laugh – and try to find as many things to laugh about as possible. I try not to take life too seriously, even when hard things happen. 
  3. I am a passionate traveler. I’ve visited dozens of countries and traveled to five continents. I love to combine coaching with retreats in cool places.
  4. Until we adopted our rescue dog, “Buttercup,” I disliked dogs. Now I have the best dog in the world!
  5. I am a “chegan,” a vegan who cheats 😊, and I love all things about health and wellness, including biohacking – which explores ways to live healthier, longer and enjoy more energy.